Sunday, July 10, 2011

More damning reviews for Sarah Palin's "triumphant" revisionist film. Are Sarah and Bristol competing to have their name attached to the bigger failure?

Here is movie critic Roger Moore's take on this polished turd:

But everything in “The Undefeated” is loaded, from its choice of endorsements to the choice of extreme voices in those rare moments when she is criticized. An opening three minute barrage of bile lumps everyone who found her lacking into the same pile as profane anonymous Internet commenters, shock jocks and gadfly comedian Bill Maher. There’s Sharon Osborne. But where are the credible critics who questioned her qualifications?

Her political allies sing her praises and do most of her burnishing for her – “Sarah stands for this” and “She’s a rock star” and “She’s an existential threat to the left.” But about these “endorsements – They aren’t spontaneous question-and-answer sessions with a wide assortment of critics and colleagues. They are mostly Alaska acolytes who appear to be performing their testimonials carefully staged and edited monologues directly to the camera. Thus, “The Undefeated” plays like an infomercial.

The film rightly gives Palin much of the credit for the Tea Party movement she opportunistically leapt onto in 2010. We see her pointing the finger at ethically challenged Alaska Republicans. But we don’t see Palin “standing with” the disgraced Senator Ted Stevens, just like any other party hack. The film misstates her popularity in Alaska and misleadingly twists energy data to convince us that what she did to push more drilling in Alaska is actually America’s energy independence solution.

And while there’s plenty of inspirational Tea Party footage scored with music to make you moist-eyed, there’s nothing about that group’s more controversial elements — the intolerance, conspiracy-mongering, the anti-intellectualism tinged with violent rhetoric.

There’s also no mention of Palin’s burgeoning media career — from “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” to her many connections to Fox News and the controversial commentator Glenn Beck. This is a far more credible reason for her quitting her governor’s job — cashing in. Afraid of how that looks?

Ouch!  Now Moore is one of the people that director Bannon identified as his key demographic, those who had opinions of Sarah Palin based on rumors and the skewed view of her provided by the "Lamestream" media.  Well after Moore has seen the film he appears to be even more convinced of her lack of fitness for political office, and finds her depiction in the movie to have carefully avoided topics that would  have revealed a truth about the film's subject that the creators desperately did not want their audiences to learn.?

However THAT review was a big sloppy kiss compared to what the Hollywood Reporter had to say about it.

A documentary stitched together with a thousand sound bites, this entirely partisan account of the phenomenon that is Sarah Palin looks like a campaign film for a campaign that at least for the moment isn't happening. Puzzlingly titled The Undefeated in that its heroine lost the last election in which she ran and subsequently stepped down from her job as governor of Alaska before her term was up, this narrowly conceived valentine calls upon a vast chorus of coworkers, friends and admirers to numbingly defend everything she's ever said or done and to champion her as a maverick politician with a real connection to the people. Set to begin theatrical runs next week in select houses nationwide, this will attract media attention in the way that anything to do with Palin invariably does (all the more so because it's favorable), but nothing about the film earmarks it as a must-see anywhere other than in the living rooms of die-hard loyalists.

Just makes you want to throw the kids into the mini-van and dash off to your local AMC theater to learn ALL about Klondike Kardashian doesn't it?

No? Well then unlike the paint chip eaters who still clamor for a Sarah Palin campaign for President, your gray matter seems to be in fine working order.

So exactly what kind of person is REALLY determined to see this horrible movie? Hmm I think Vanity Fair contributing editor James Wolcott might just have an answer to that question.

Andrew Breitbart, the angry-faced entrepreneur who likes to inflict himself upon press conferences, has announced that he has already seen the new Sarah Palin documentary The Undefeated three times.

It's a free country, and what Andrew Breitbart masturbates to is none of my concern.

Some people prefer Japanese hentai porn, others have squirreled away Traci Lords bootleg cassettes inside a basement vault in case of nuclear war.

I say: It's your thing, do watcha wanna do.

I wouldn't presume to tell you who to sock it to.

Ahh, yes that seems to be the most accurate label that I have seen for this film. It is in fact conservative political porn.

Which I guess would possibly explain why Palin showed up to the premiere in Iowa looking like a haggard, used up old porn star.

Complete with too much make up, a helmet of over teased hair, and a peek-a-boo blouse.

Jenna Jameson could hardly have done it better.

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