It looks like Snowdrift Snooki is still relying on that water bra of hers to garner attention. |
I find it rather ironic that this article about Sarah Palin shows up in the same issue which contains Bernstein's scathing piece about the crumbling of Rupert Murdoch's empire, without which Palin would probably ALREADY have faded away into the shadows of our memory.
As it turns out the piece is one long Valentine to Sarah Palin, which must have been the agreed upon approach before Palin would ever dare to talk to a national magazine. It is no wonder Newsweek is going out of business.
Here is a some of what the article reveals. (And believe me, it is not much.)
I believe that I can win a national election,' Sarah Palin declared one recent evening, sitting in the private dining room of a hotel in rural Iowa.
“The people of America are desperate for positive change, and deserving of positive change, to get us off of this wrong track,” she told me during a conversation that lasted late into the night and, inevitably, kept returning to the subject that has titillated the media and spooked Republican presidential contenders for months: her political intentions. “I’m not so egotistical as to believe that it has to be me, or it can only be me, to turn things around,” she said. “But I do believe that I can win.”
Palin NOT egotistical? Yeah okay.
Here Palin readies the excuse she will use not to run, or that she will trot out to explain why she is quitting partway through a very short lived campaign, her favorite of all human shields, the kids.
If Palin doesn’t end up running, the reason will be simple, she said. “Family. If it came down to the family just saying, ‘Please, Mom, don’t do this,’ then that would be the deal-killer for me, because your family’s gotta be in it with you.”
By the way, just WHO is caring for Trig these days?
It is an abiding source of annoyance to Palin that her success story as Alaska’s governor vanished overnight in 2008. “Do people not understand why McCain picked me?” she said with some exasperation.
Oooh, oooh, let me answer that! Yes we do understand why he picked you, but it is NOT because you were a good governor!
“You know, I rarely use the term ‘bipartisanship,’?” she said. “I use the term ‘independent.’ Piper’s middle name is ‘Indie.’ That’s the Alaskan way of life. Seventy-three percent of Alaskans aren’t registered Republican or Democrat, they’re independent. Todd’s not a registered Republican. Most of the people I know, they’re independent people saying, ‘Just use common sense.’?”
You know that is just another way of saying that she refuses to work with anybody. Which is the LAST thing this country needs right now, and I think most Americans are well aware of that.
Her current status as a freelance celebrity is plenty rewarding: she is reportedly paid $1 million a year by Fox, earned another $2 million for her TLC reality show, had a multimillion-dollar book deal with HarperCollins, and is a top-tier figure on the speaking circuit, able to command upwards of $100,000 per speech.
Moreover, Palin plainly thrives within that very tight circle she has drawn around herself, with Todd at its center, acting as gatekeeper and principal adviser. A campaign—even one as defiant of conformity as Palin’s would likely be—would require expanding that circle to include political professionals of uncertain loyalty. And it would mean opening the door to news organizations with which she has been openly feuding for the last couple of years.
Or not.
“The mainstream press is becoming less and less relevant,” she said, adding that she would have no hesitation in shunning media outlets she does not trust.
If this lunatic truly believes that she can run for public office while avoiding the press than she is even crazier than even I thought she was!
This is what Chuck Todd, Eugene Robinson, and David Gregory said about this article on Meet the Press this morning.
(Palin Newsweek discussion starts at the 2:30 mark.)
I think Palin is just leaving another trail of breadcrumbs to keep the Palin-bots hopeful. What do you all think?
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