Sunday, August 14, 2011

Marcus Bachmann tries to put down rumors that he is gay. Oh! That's just not okay!

"See I am not gay. I just tonsil fucked some random woman!"
 Oh my God!  Who IS that poor woman he is mouth raping?

And how does this clear and obvious assault jive with Michele Bachmann's assertions that she and her husband are "in love" and with her family values talking points?

I cannot remember when I have seen a more visually disturbing image.

Oh wait, yes I can.

Personally I think it is going to take a whole lot more than just one or two pictures of Marcus smooching an old lady with his eyes squeezed shut in order to block out the image, to convince MOST Americans that he is not a product of the same Reparative Therapies that his clinic is foisting on its clients.

Especially with so many pictures out there which seem to tell a different story.

Come on Marcus, are you just going to leave me hanging here?
(H/T to Andrew Sullivan for the first picture.)

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