Monday, July 11, 2011

What exactly is the message Sarah Palin is sending America with her Newsweek photo shoot? And is it the one she THINKS she is sending?

Finally what this country needs! A Presidential candidate they can masturbate to!

Or perhaps this pose will make you want to pull your lever and vote for me. If you get my drift. 

Or how about a saucy, windblown look? I believe this is just how Ronald Reagan pushed his breasts out to save America.

Come and get some boys...uh  I mean get some conservative common sense principles to run this country. 

Or perhaps the small town mom/ public servant is more to your liking? I can fake that too!

See? I am just like any Alaskan gal. I even just finished peeing in the fireweed.

This is my best demure pose, though it makes me look constipated. But I bet you still want me don't you? To be your President I mean!

I cannot believe that this woman believes that posing like a sex kitten is going to truly improve her political standing.  Look I am a man, and believe me I know we can be idiots sometimes, but you would have to be a complete imbecile (who was just released from prison) for this to work on you.

Personally  I am insulted. And if I were a woman, I would be doubly insulted.

The women's rights movement in this country worked for decades to FINALLY be taken seriously, and to receive equal treatment at their jobs along with their male co-workers. And this Playboy Playmate wannabe is destroying that hard work every time she portrays the female politician as a publicity seeking, dimwitted, bimbo.

(All photos courtesy of the Daily Beast.)

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