Courtesy of
Time Out Chicago:
It was, for a Democrat-dominated city, a sight as rare as lush trees in the remote Alaskan tundra: a room packed with self-avowed Palinistas. The conservative baby cubs came to a rented theater at the Gene Siskel Film Center on July 23 to suckle at the teat of their “Mama Grizzly” during the first (and, so far, only) Chicago screening of The Undefeated, writer-director Stephen K. Bannon’s unabashed love letter to the onetime vice presidential nominee.“I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t know if there’s any thought in Illinois. Wasn’t Quinn the running mate of the guy we just convicted?” William Kelly sounded off. The conservative commentator and erstwhile Illinois comptroller candidate ponied up the cash for the theater rental. “If I have to rent out every theater in town so people will see this film, I’ll do it,” said Kelly, only half joking.See? This movie CAN TOO fill up theater seats!
All you have to do is find ONE guy with deep pockets to rent the theater and show it for free. Isn't that how Star Wars got to be such a blockbuster? Or wait, maybe that was
Deep Throat?
Well I am sure that the people who enjoy this movie are just your regular, every day Americans. (Just like the ones that enjoyed Deep Throat.)
Nearby, a gentleman in his sixties, wearing a “Palin 2012” T-shirt and carrying a tote bag emblazoned with Palin’s face, discussed his lack of surprise at being surrounded by so many like-minded people. “You think this area should be so Democratic and so Obama, and it is to a certain extent,” said the man, a member of Organize4Palin who goes by the nickname Super Yoni. “But there are more of us out there than you know.”The Illinois branch of Organize4Palin numbers about 100 members, one of the group’s coordinators, Whitney Zahnd, told me. The 28-year-old health-care researcher made the drive from Springfield in her Organize4Palin tee emblazoned with a bear and the slogan “Get your grrr on.”Okay well maybe "regular, everyday Americans" was kind of a stretch.
But it is not like they are a bunch of shut ins with no social skills or ability to conduct themselves properly in public. Right?
In short time, the chatter grew to a Mama Grizzly roar. A theater employee gently announced to the crowd, “You’re going to have to take your conversation outside.”Oh. Well I certainly hope that during their little field trip away from the facility they were not confronted with anything that would disturb their fantasies about Sarah Palin's popularity or demonstrate to them just how far out on the fringe their faith in the Mama Grizzly was to those living in the REAL world.
On the sidewalk, the Palinistas were disheartened, though not stunned, at what they saw. Across the street, the Chicago Theatre’s marquee announced that night’s sold-out show: Bill Maher, the lefty political comedian who famously called their political idol a “dumb twat.”Now THAT is why it is always so much safer for Palin-bots to just to stay in their mother's basement, where the Cheetos are plentiful, they can troll liberal blogs uninterrupted for hours, and the television is always tuned to QVC.
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