Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sarah Palin and Keith Johnston

A while back I wrote a post about the possibility that Sherry Johnston was the mother of Trig Palin. You can read it here. Anyway the reason I wondered that is because Mercede has referred to Trig as her baby brother which is odd because Trig would be the son of her brother's girlfriend's mother.

I'm also wondering if Trig could be Keith Johnston's son, which would be another reason that Mercede Johnston referred to Trig as her baby brother. If Keith is the father of Trig, who is the mother?

Sarah possibly. She has been known to cheat on Todd in the past. Someone commented on Mercede's blog that her dad and Sarah would be going down.

Of course there is always Bristol, which would be statutory rape. Sickening I know.

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