Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sarah Palin still has nothing to say about her newborn granddaughter, but about Mercede Johnston's Playboy interview?

Courtesy of the National Enquirer:

Sources say “Mama Grizzly” Sarah be­came so enraged she vowed the Johnston clan would never again see baby Tripp, the out-of-wedlock son of Levi and her daughter Bristol. 

But acid-tongued Mer­cede – who posed nude in “Playboy” – charged that Bristol’s pregnancy “wasn’t an accident. She and Levi planned it. 

They were trying to con­ceive for months.”Protective Palin reacted in a fury – denouncing Mercede as “a little whore,” her entire family as “trailer trash” and Mercede’s mother as “a drug dealer,” say sources. 

You know we can always take the things that NE reports with a grain of salt, but I have to imagine that this time they are undoubtedly correct about Sister Sarah's response.  I have heard about Sarah's tirades in the past and this one sounds very similar.

And by the way that whole threat about how they will "never again see baby Tripp?" Well that is what they have been using to manipulate the Johnston family for two years now. The evidence clearly shows that the Palin family had long ago decided to cut Levi, Mercede, and Sherry out of Tripp's life and they used every excuse in the book to do so.

In my opinion it is Mercede and her family that will ultimately come out looking the best after the dust settles.

In fact they already do.

Update: By the way you all might also like to read this post explaining just HOW Sherry Johnston became a convicted felon.

Sherry herself would NEVER tell you she did nothing wrong, But the circumstances surrounding her arrest are very troubling.  And they seem to have Palin's fingerprints all over them!

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