Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sarah Palin's week just got a whole lot worse as Shailey Tripp reveals what she knew, and when she knew it.

From Shailey's blog:

The next few days I will be writing about How The Lies of Sarah Palin turn into TRUTH as it pertains to me. 

I know for a fact (and yes with proof), that Sarah Palin knew that at the very least a prostitute who claimed to have sex with Todd, her husband, was going to go public with the information. I know for a fact, Sarah Palin, was told about all the emails that showed there was a relationship between her husband, Todd, and this person. Furthermore, I know Sarah Palin was told that there were even emails showing that Todd could be involved in running or involved in a ................prositution ring. 

This was 1 week before Christmas 2010- Fri. Dec 17, 2010.

To read the rest, and yes you DO want to read the rest, just click the link and head on over to Shailey's blog.

You know there are two names that attract the most aggressive and negative remarks from the trolls when they appear on this blog.  And those names are Mercede Johnston and Shailey Tripp.

I am constantly cautioned by these helpful little imps not to believe anything that they say, and told (using a plethora of exclamation points) that they are LIARS!!!!!!! HATEFUL, HATEFUL, LIARS!!!!!!

Here's the funny thing.  I have never caught them lying to me.

I have had dozens, and I mean dozens, of people attempt to deceive, manipulate, or outright lie to me. But never them.

In fact Sadie's version of events (Often either preceded by, or backed up by, Sherry's version of events.) has never changed.

People have attacked her character, screamed obscenities at her in the grocery store, stolen her mail, and vandalized both her car and her house, and still she has refused to allow herself to be intimidated into keeping her mouth shut. The only time she stayed quiet was when she was hoping that by doing so she would get to see Tripp.  But after numerous promises made, and then broken, Sadie realized that the Palins were simply using the last hold they had over her family to control them.

Now that control is no more.

As for Shailey, well Shailey is the only source I have ever known that passed five, count them five, polygraph tests with flying colors.

I have talked to many bloggers, journalists, and authors who have spoken to her, and they all said that she was very credible.  The only thing that keeps her story from getting the kind of coverage it deserves is lack of physical proof, which we are still struggling to have released from APD. I have seen some of the evidence, and so far it all backs up Shailey's story, and refutes much of what official APD spokesman Lt. David Parker said publicly.

Once she is able to get her hands on that evidence I think her story will blow up again in a major way.

Especially if all of the people claiming that Palin is DEFINITELY launching her bid for the GOP nomination on September 3rd, are accurate. If, or when, that happens this whole thing  is going to get much, much more interesting.

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