Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Shailey Tripp, if I may borrow a phrase, gets her "Grrr" on.

Here is a portion of what Shailey posted yesterday:

I have talked to many members of the press since Jan. 2011 and I have been asked over and over again why is anything I have to say newsworthy because the National Enquirer didn't pick up the story and the Anchorage Police did issue their press release. Well I want to say to all the Media persona out there: When the police cover up, hide, mislead, lie, and issue press releases all the while violating someone's rights all due to a phone call by another person's lawyer.....UMMMM that is a story, all by itself that alone is merit for a great news story......... and the media not looking into the story and investigating and reproting the facts, THAT IS A PROBLEM. That is THE STORY. 

I can't understand, when did other news sources base their decision making on the word or actions of the National Enquirer? When did the press as a whole stop investigating stories just because of a press release? Just because you say it, doesn't make it true. At the very least the local news in Alaska should have looked into this. If this is now how the media operates, umm America wake up, we have a severe problem! 

But hey what do I know I am just Todd Palin's whore, and Sarah Palin's massage therapist.....

You know being Todd's "whore" and Sarah's massage therapist, would indicate to me that Shailey could know quite a lot actually.

Shailey and I spent yesterday texting back and forth and she is very fired up right now.

She believes, and I agree, that with all of the media attention directed at Mercede right now the time is ripe to start getting HER story out to a wider audience as well.

So she will start posting some more very interesting information about her case, Todd and Sarah Palin, and the coverup orchestrated by the Anchorage Police Department.

She and I will also be teaming up on some posts and will hopefully start rattling some cages and waking up a slumbering media about a story that has it all, sex, corruption, bribery, and politics.

Stay tuned.

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