Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rachel Maddow reveals the truth behind the New Apostolic Reformation, and the man who could be their hand picked candidate, Rick Perry.

I strongly urge you to watch this segment to truly get an understanding of exactly what we might be facing in the next election.

Here is the link to the article by the Texas Observer that Rachel references in this video.

One of the reasons that I, and many others, focused on revealing the hypocrisy, lies, and ignorance of Sarah Palin was because we knew she was being groomed by these people as a candidate in 2012.

Through our hard work, and her own embarrassing limitations, I believe she is no longer this group's "go to wingnut." Instead they are looking elsewhere, and it appears that Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry are battling it out to pick up the baton that Palin let slip through her fingers.

Now there are still secrets to reveal about Klondike Kardashian, and I am not finished with her yet (Especially since many of the secrets could also reveal scandalous behaviors by this Apostolic Reformation group, the GOP, and others), but it is just as important, no even MORE important, that we start to really shine the light on these other potential Dominionist candidates.

Because folks in my opinion these people are setting this country up for an ideological holy war between THEIR kind of Christian vs the "Kenyan born, closeted Muslim," that could be more devastating to the future of the United States than even the Civil War.

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