Wednesday, August 10, 2011

She's back! Sarah Palin's fake political bus tour heads to Iowa. Well you did not think jury duty lasted forever did you?

Oooh, that made me red, white, and blue nauseous! I don't know what was more stomach churning, her voice, the over-saturation of patriotic imagery, or that hummingbird on crack editing job!

But wait, there's more!

From the depths of Mordor! (Or as you may know it, the Sea O'Pee):

Dear SarahPAC Supporter, 

We are very happy to jump back on the bus for another leg of our “One Nation Tour”! We accept with gratefulness an invitation to meet folks at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines this week. The heartland is perfect territory for more of the One Nation Tour as we put forth efforts to revitalize the fundamental restoration of America by highlighting our nation’s heart, history, and founding principles. 

In a grossly ("Grossly?") weakened economy – especially when recovery is thwarted by today’s Obamanomics (Yeah, NOBODY uses that term.) – prudent Americans make sensible decisions to live within their means. This includes seeking affordable participation in more community events, local patriotic parades, and traditional all-American venues like state fairs. State fairs hold a special place in our nation’s history and heritage, so my family is honored to highlight one of them on one stop along the One Nation Tour route – America’s historic Iowa State Fair! (I’m also excited to try some of that famous fried butter-on-a-stick, fried cheesecake-on-a-stick, fried twinkies, etc. I’ll enjoy them in honor of those who’d rather make us just “eat our peas”!) 

 (Yes, screw healthy eating and common sense!  "Rill Amerukans" eat deep fat fried, artery plugging heart attacks on a stick!  Because with health care costs so high, and after the Republicans killed the public option, it is better to die fast than to linger in a hospital somewhere running up bills for your loved ones.)

Unlike next week’s Obama Bus Tour, taxpayers aren’t funding our tour, which is why we so appreciate your support in allowing us to be out there on the open road to visit with you to highlight small towns, big-hearted people, and the important role they play in our most exceptional nation. 

 (That's right Sarah Palin would NEVER ask every day Americans to pay for her self aggrandizing, political prick teasing bus tour!)

You can participate with support for the “One Nation Tour” through and following virtually by bookmarking the SarahPAC website. (Wait! You mean she IS asking every day Americans for money to pay for her self aggrandizing, political prick teasing bus tour?) We’ll have updates from the road as our Constitution-draped bus travels to shine a spotlight on more of our nation’s fine history. 

Watch this video and let the American road inspire you!Thank you for your continued support of SarahPAC. Let’s stay committed to the worthy cause – restoring all that is good and strong and free in America! 

Thank you sincerely,Sarah Palin

So what, you're surprised?

Did any of you REALLY expect Palin to sit at home pulling her hair out while the Iowa straw poll was being conducted, Rick Perry prepared to launch his campaign, and Mercede Johnston was stealing her limelight by showing what a real Alaskan beauty looks like?

Well then you must be new here, welcome to the crazy world of Sarah "Me, Me, Me, it's all about Me!"Palin.

(By the way, I do still think she spent a little time sitting at home pulling her hair out first.)

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