Monday, August 8, 2011

At least ONE of Kyla Grace Palin's grandmothers loves her.

The good grandmother, Elizabeth Hanson, is the one on the left.
Courtesy of Radar Online:

In an exclusive interview with, Britta Hanson’s mother Elizabeth expressed her delight over her first grandchild. 

“Kyla Grace is great. She’s beautiful,” the proud first-time grandmother said.“I’m very happy,” she gushed about the new baby. 

Her daughter Britta, 21, gave birth to Kyla Grace on Saturday, August 6 just three months after marrying Track Palin, 22, Sarah and Todd Palin’s oldest child. 

“I love my daughter and my son-in-law very much,” Hanson told about the overjoyed new parents. 

Elizabeth Hanson spoke briefly about her family’s relationship with the Palins. “They’re their own people; we’ve known each other for a long time.”

Well I am glad that at least SOMEBODY in this screwed up family knows how to honestly share their feelings about this precious child.  Good for you Mrs. Hanson!

It looks like Kyra will have access to at least some sane family members. You know Tripp could have had that too if Bristol and Sarah weren't such...well you know.

(H/T to Joe McGinniss.)

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