Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sarah Palin, the woman who claimed she quit her job as Governor to save the state money, is asking the state to pay for her defense against a lawsuit.

"Help me, help me, Alaska! I am just a defenseless millionaire who once used my job to bully those who dared to question me! Can't you see I'm the victim here?
Courtesy of ADN:

Assistant Attorney General Dale House said Palin asked the state to help defend her against the lawsuit by activist Chip Thoma. 

The claims made against Palin date to when she was governor, and House said Wednesday that it's typical for the state to get involved if the person is being sued largely because of the title they held or because of something they did in the course of their official duties. He said there are exceptions, including for criminal cases. 

House said the state will pay for his participation but not for Palin's personal lawyer, John Tiemessen, who will be co-counsel. 

Thoma is suing Palin for at least $100,000, claiming that she undertook a campaign to "punish, embarrass, discredit and silence" him while governor after he complained about tour bus traffic on the windy, narrow streets around the governor's mansion. 

Fuck this!  I certainly do not want to pay for this quitters legal bills!

Especially since I believe that Thoma has a pretty damn good case against her.

And according to the comments beneath this article at ADN, I am not the only Alaskan that feels this way.

Sounds to me like Palin's very intimidated that this is going to turn out to be something over which she will not be able to wriggle off the hook.Magnificent timing! 

Well, if anyone read Frank Bailey's book they would know $Palin did it on purpose. He has the emails that back it up. I wonder if they will be able to use her own emails against her. 

Why? Why is the state STILL paying this worthless woman? WHY? 

The state should not incur any part of this lawsuit. Wouldn't that also make the state liable in some manner? Palin used her office to embarrass a private citizen and she should not ask for state help to defend herself. 

Everybody up here knows that Palin used her position as Governor to go after her enemies, bully other Alaskans, and give her family and friends state jobs and perks to keep them loyal.

And now that somebody is finally going after her in court for her illegal behaviors she is playing the victim again and asking the state that she abandoned to protect her.

She will NEVER change.

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