Monday, August 8, 2011

Welcome to the world Kyla Grace Palin! Update!

Mommy-to-be, Britta Palin, surrounded by Kayla's gifts from the baby shower.
This from the blog of Joe McGinniss:

Sarah Palin’s son Track and his new wife Britta became the proud parents of a baby girl, Kyla Grace Palin, last night.

I learned last summer that Joe has EXCELLENT sources, so if he says that this baby was born last night, you can bet that his information is correct.

Okay let's see, Track and Britta got married in May, and this wonderful bundle of joy is born in August, which is approximately three months later. WTF?

How is it that these Palin women have the fastest human gestation on the planet? Do ALL women in Wasilla get pregnant and give birth in only two or three months, or is that only the people in this family?

By the way here is the official announcement from Sarah Palin.

Update: Well it looks like Radar Online found somebody close to the family to confirm Joe's tip:

A source close to the family confirmed the arrival of the little girl to the young parents who were married just three months ago in May.

Just for the record let me say that I never had any doubt that McGinniss had the straight poop. He made a lot of good friends in Wasilla during his stay and he hears all kinds of things.  As you will all learn for yourselves when his book comes out in September.

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