I became a little discouraged when it took me a long time to locate one, and when I did it was tucked almost completely out of sight in the political book section.
When I went to make my purchase I complained about how hard it was to find and asked why there was only the one.
The nice lady behind the counter said, 'Oh we can't keep that one on the shelves." She further told me that just as soon as they put them out on the display, they are bought up and they have to order more.
"To be honest," she said. "I am surprised you found that one."
I then decided to ask about Geoffrey's book and was told virtually the same information, however she did point to a display table that had about seven of his books still available for purchase.
I came away feeling very gratified that Alaskans were so interested in finally learning the unvarnished truth about the woman who had redefined our state in a fairly horrific manner to millions of people across the country.
Currently Bailey's book, Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin
Geoffrey Dunn's book, The Lies of Sarah Palin
So as you can see despite the desperate attempts by the Palin media trolls to discredit them, these books are really doing pretty well. Not only that, as Geoffrey Dunn recently pointed out in a phone conversation, these books are really ALL describing "the same person." Whether it be Baily's book, Dunn's book, or even the book being written by Joe McGinniss, the main character will be easily recognizable from one book to another. (And the same can be said for the upcoming babygate book as well.)
That is the simple truth when revealing the actual facts about somebody. No matter where those facts are laid out, whether in a book, a movie, a documentary, or even on a blog, that person will always be the same no matter from which angle they are being viewed. Fake tan, fake glasses, herpes sores, and all.
It is only in the mythological realm where Palin WANTS people to learn about her, such as her book "Going Rogue," her ill fated reality television show, or this ridiculous movie, "The Undefeated," that facts become constantly mutating bits of protozoa, which tend to expand, stretch, or evolve depending through which medium they are observed.
And my friends that is exactly why Sarah Palin does not want to you to read these books, visit this blog, or see her interviewed by a real reporter. The magic trick only works if you cannot see up the magicians sleeve or what is really happening behind the curtain, because once the smoke and mirrors are removed the magic is all but gone.
In other words Palin-bots, once you finally see Sister Sarah for who she really is, "Poof!" She will be no more.
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