In January, Attorney General John Burns granted an extension until May 31 with the "unequivocal expectation" that all records that aren't privileged would be released by then.
On Tuesday, Gov. Sean Parnell's deputy chief of staff, Randy Ruaro, told Burns that the review would be completed on time. But he said the logistics -- including copying and shipping -- will push the production and delivery of the emails past Tuesday. Ruaro says it could be June 10 before all records are shipped.
This is why I have been pimping Bailey's book
In the book the authors had access to many thousands of e-mails in their original state, with none of the important, and potentially devastating, information blacked out.
My feeling is that the Parnell administration is now worrying about having their e-mails come out full of redactions, only to be embarrassed by the possible release of Bailey's huge pile of e-mails, which would illustrate just what kind of self serving and petty things they felt should not be seen by the public.
By the way I think there are lots of things contained in them that current governor Sean Parnell does not want the Alaska people to see, which helps to explain why his administration is so resistant to the idea of releasing them to the public.
I am going to campaign for Bailey to release ALL of his e-mails. I was told once that it was a possibility, and I hope I was not led astray.
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