From the Twit's Twitter account:
Tumultuous world gotcha' flummoxed? Divert w/tuning 2 unifying, sweet competition; Dancing w/the Stars TEAM BALLAS competes in finals tonite
1 hour ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Now as many of you know I speak fluent Palinese, so allow me to translate:
Ooh look dancing! Much better than dumb old book about dumb old emails! STOP THINKING ABOUT THE BOOK, AND WATCH TV U FLIPPING IDIOTS! #SHIT
As a matter of fact the Flying Monkeys are so worried about this book that they have started doing pre-emptive strikes all across the internet:
Palin aides also pointed to previous ethics charges against Bailey during his service to the ex-governor’s administration, as well as an ongoing investigation by the state attorney general’s office over the emails Bailey included in the book. Additionally, SarahPAC spokesman Tim Crawford highlighted Bailey’s book cover, which is a modified image. The original photo was of Palin standing next to other governors at an RGA event, not next to Bailey.
“Frank Bailey was the only member of the Palin administration to be found to have acted unethically – twice,” Crawford said. “He is currently under investigation again by the state attorney general. Then, as the administrator of certain email accounts, he acted unethically by appropriating account information he was entrusted to protect.”
“Gov. Palin suspended Bailey and refused to hire Bailey when he sought a position on her vice presidential campaign staff and later with SarahPAC. Mr. Bailey has an axe to grind and abandoned truth in his book. The cover of the book tells this story, two completely different photos twisted and Photoshopped to create a fraudulent image. The book belongs on the fiction shelves.”
Oh, tomorrow is going to be SO much fun!
And remember it is not too late for you to share in that fun. Just click here
P.S. Did anybody even notice that Palin had one of her sycophants write a Facebook post for her to put her hoof print on today? I was going to write about it, but there was absolutely NO Sarah Palin apparent in the writing, so why bother?
I will bet big money she has never even read the thing yet, and I KNOW she does not understand what it says!
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