Somebody forwarded direct messages they received from Rebecca Mansour to the Daily Caller. Oh THIS ought to be good!
Mansour sent these embarrassing and revealing missives as “direct messages” on Twitter to an online-only acquaintance approximately a year ago. The person who received the messages forwarded them to TheDC.
Here are a few examples of the kinds of things that ooze from the depths of RAM's twisted psyche. founder and CNN contributor Erick Erickson is “a total douchebag,” wrote Palin speechwriter and domestic policy adviser Rebecca Mansour in a May 22, 2010, message. “Greasy dumb ass with a talent for self-promotion. He threw himself in at the Gov’s SC rally. Self-promotion.”
Mitt Romney supporters are “wacky as hell,” Mansour wrote, but usually Romney’s presence online is just an “AstroTurf brigade.”
“Would love to tell Mitt’s lackeys to stop backstabbing my boss anonymously,” Mansour wrote.
Mansour also confirmed that having Joe McGinniss move next door threw the Mama Grizzly into a frenzy, and that the attacks on his character were indeed orchestrated.
When author Joe McGinnis moved next door to Palin, prompting a protest by her, Mansour told her correspondent, a pro-Palin activist, “Time to find a way to go medieval on this McGinniss. Don’t be fooled by the light tone of the [Facebook] post. The BigBoss is so upset by this.”
In response to an unknown suggestion by the recipient of the messages, Mansour wrote “I was thinking more along the lines of mailing him a dead fish.”
Even first daughter Bristol was not spared RAM's venom.
But by far the most incendiary messages are about Palin’s daughter Bristol. Sent in the aftermath of Bristol announcing to Us Weekly she was planning to marry Levi Johnston, Mansour wrote, “I wish they were the Cleavers too. But it’s life.”
“Two words: Patti Davis. Okay three more: Ron Reagan Junior. Two more: Billy Carter. Doesn’t your family have one?” Mansour said.
“She will hold her at arm’s length. Even Thatcher was never able to disown her screw up son Mark. It’s a Mom thing,” Mansour wrote.
Damn! I guess I kind of knew this about this vicious piece of work, but even I am stunned at her ugliness.
I would be very surprised if this does not have her eating bus tread by the end of the day. I cannot imagine that Palin will let those statements about her daughter go without punishing RAM severely.
I see an opening for a new Facebook writer and attack lesbian opening over in Palinville.
Update: Here are ALL of the tweets sent to the Daily Caller.
Update 2: Politico weighs in.
In addition to the damaging Tweets, the Daily Caller reported that Mansour initially denied that she had sent the messages to the unnamed source, claiming they had been doctored. “I did actually send him one direct message. He was asking for – it was like something really innocuous – he was just asking for information about something,” she tried to explain. “And I just replied and said, ‘no’ or something like that. And then the kid then used that and started to create direct messages. And that was like a real serious thing for me because I realized anyone can do that with like a screencap.”
If Mansour has been let go by SarahPAC, there is unlikely to be any announcement for some time. Staff changes and reshuffles in Palin’s camp are typically announced quietly only weeks or months after the fact. Or Palin watchers might have to wait for an answer until the PAC’s next FEC report to see if the aide is still being paid.
I had a late night conversation with a fellow Alaskan blogger yesterday, and we both discussed the possibility of RAM walking around with tire marks all over her body today. However we also had to wonder if Palin really had anybody to take her place if she tossed her aside?
Essentially Palin has ALWAYS surrounded herself with sycophantic followers who are, in some way, also attracted to her.
This is made quite clear in Frank Bailey's book
In many ways, and for many of the same reasons, RAM is Frank Bailey's replacement, but the question is WHO replaces her? And are there still people out there who are as drawn to Palin's "charms" as there once were?
She does not simply want loyal paid staff members, she needs to be worshipped. And she needs those worshippers to swear their allegiance to her, and mean it. That is exactly how RAM finally convinced Sister Sarah to let her into the inner circle.
Update 3: The individual who leaked the RAM tweets revealed!
I've been waiting for this one to break for a few months, as somebody tried to sell me the same emails last fall.
"Does Politico pay for exclusives? Cause I'm looking to sell. I have 122 direct messages from Sarah Palin staffer Rebecca Mansour," the person emailed, eventually sending along sample direct messages identical to a couple the Caller posted. They were forwarded from the account of one improbably named Toki de la Vega, a contributor to some pro-Palin sites, though there was a man's name attached to one of the tweets as well.
I responded with a counter-offer of lunch and "undying gratitude."
"Sorry, Ben, but it's going to take more than a happy meal and a hand shake to get me to betray someone's confidence. Only freshly printed 100 dollar bills help me get over feelings of guilt," wrote the emailer, who continued, "Would it violate some fake journalistic ethics and standards to get me in contact someone who does pay? I know that the thought of blogging about this is making your panties wet. The topics range from Chuck Hagel to Ricky Hollywood and everything else in between. It's a f***ing blogger's gold mine."
Hmm I wonder how many OTHER people have this kind of behind the scenes information about Palin and her disciples? And how much longer will it be before they start looking for THEIR payday?
Update 4: For those people who still believe I chose the above picture of RAM in order to draw attention to her looks, I will post the ONLY other recent picture I have of her.
Personally I thought I chose the least unattractive one of the two, but if you like this one better so be it.
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