Friday, July 22, 2011

Brief snippet from Dr. Drew's "interview" with Bristol Palin.

There is so MUCH bullshit in this small portion of the interview that it is jaw dropping.

For one Bristol did not "make a mistake." She virtually forced Levi to impregnate her, or risk losing her, and is now claiming that he "stole" her virginity and ruined her life. I believe that takes the definition of "bitch" to an entirely new level.

For another thing the arguemnt that getting pregnant took anything away from her is demonstrably untrue as NOBODY would have given her a second thought if she had not become the most famous teen mom in America.  Does anybody really thing she could have made the money she has, made the television appearances she has, and been asked to write a book like she has, if she had NOT gotten pregnant?

As for Levi, I just so happened to have been around during those initial days when Levi and Sherry, and Mercede were doing their television appearances, and the ONLY thing on their minds was figuring out some way to force the Palins to share Tripp with them and not cut him out of their lives.

Now something definitely happened after that, and whatever it was it was somehow orchestrated by Bristol and her mother for their nefarious purposes.  Bristol wanted to be seen as a "single mother" and that is what she got.

What she did to make Levi back off and let her drag his name through the mud, while continuing to withhold his son from him, confuses me to this day.  (And yes, I have considered that he may have been bought off.)

It is not shown in this clip but during the interview Dr. Drew tried multiple times to coax Bristol into sharing her TRUE feelings about certain incidents in her life and she absolutely refused to do anything except keep that huge plastic smile plastered to her face while continuing to spout the Palin party line about how wonderful, and close, her family is.

By the way Dr. Drew Pinsky is really only an MD and clearly does not have a great deal of skill in recognizing when he is being manipulated, which is a very important skill set for a real therapist to have in their possession.

Dr. Drew is a phony, but since Bristol is one too I guess this was an interview that was destined to take place.

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