Friday, July 22, 2011

John Boehner takes his lack of balls and goes home, essentially ending any talk of raising the debt ceiling.

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Politics is all about the negotiation, and the ability to compromise.

Hoiwever compromise requires BOTH sides be willing to give up a little something.

As far as I can tell the Teabaggers simply do NOT understand this process, and are holding the Republican party and the American people hostage until they get their way. Which by the way happens to be fundamentally impossible under the constraints they have placed on negotiations.

This is what happens when people are directed to vote by their latent racist urges and hate, instead of by their brains.

Remember many of these are the same people who believe that Sarah Palin, or Michele Bachmann, have the "common sense" necessary to rescue this country from one of the very few individuals with the ability to actually solve the problems facing us today.  Which, by the way, is all we need to know about their ability to reason.

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