Thursday, July 21, 2011

Michele Bachmann gets a note from her doctor saying she can TOO run for President!

There has been a lot of talk recently about Michele Bachmann's debilitating migraines, and the fact that such a medical condition, which is significantly exacerbated due to stress, might make her unfit for a job as President of the United States.

Gee, ya think?

Oddly enough this has inspired a number of journalists and political pundits to leap to her defense inferring that reporting on her migraines is sexist.

Which is interesting, since Michele Bachmann herself has blamed the migraines on her high heel shoes. Which, I am sure you will all agree, is in NO way sexist.

Anyhow in order to put the issue to rest Shelly got a note from her doctor, which essentially says she is excused from gym class but CAN run for student body president.

So there you go.  Michele Bachmann's blinding headaches are NO reason she should not be considered a viable GOP candidate for the most important political office in the land. No really, her doctor said so.

Now can we get back to focusing on the more important things, like the fact that she is batshit crazy and that she has virtually NO understanding of American history please?

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