Thursday, July 28, 2011

Celebrity website mocks Bristol Palin's plastic surgery.

A website called Wonderwall has posted a number of celebrities before and after pictures and asked their visitors to rate them. They feature Madonna, Heidi Montag, Ashlee Simpson, Pamela Anderson, etc.

Some of those featured actually looked better after their surgeries, and ALL of them are in show business which makes their obsession with their appearance somewhat understandable.

But then they also featured Bristol.

Here is the before picture that they used.

And here is the after which also incudes how the visitors mocked her attempt to improve her looks.

Having over half of the people taking a survey say that your new looks, which you paid good money to improve, should be categorized as a "fail," cannot feel good for anybody.

When asked about why people should support her mother's possible run for the GOP nomination, Bristol often cites her ability to run her household and raise her family with good Christian values, as "proof" that she can run the country.

So using the very yardstick that Bristol bizarrely claims proves her mother's competence, what are we to make of an unmarried teen mother's choice to mutilate her face with plastic surgery, lie to the press that it was from "jaw surgery," while in pursuit of a reality show career?  What does that say about Bristol's self esteem, and what exactly does THAT say about Sarah Palin's child rearing abilities, and how that relates to her abilities to run the country?

I can say as a father, that I would NEVER place my daughter in a situation where she could be mocked or humiliated, just to further my carer or aspirations. Never. And I doubt that most good parents would.

Which I guess means I will never be labeled a "Papa Grizzly" now will I?

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