As you can see Bristol is glowing with pride and seemingly bursting with the joy of impending childbirth.
As for, is she really supposed to be 32 weeks pregnant there?
Yep, she sure is! (As a matter of fact eighteen days from the day that picture was taken she would "give birth," albeit a month or so early, to her fifth child.
Hmmm, well something is just not right here. Perhaps I am wrong about how far along Bristol is in that picture. Let''s check. (Just hit the "click to look inside" icon at the top of Bristol's book to investigate for yourself.)
Nope, according to Bristol's very own book, that is definitely her at 32 weeks.
So here we have a teen mom, pregnant with her very first baby (Actually the jury is still out on that one.), looking at least twice as pregnant as her mother, who is supposedly just as far along with her FIFTH child.
Now I am just a guy, which renders me biologically predisposed to be completely ignorant about "girl stuff," but from what I understand women simply do NOT get smaller with each pregnancy. In fact they tend to get much larger, much faster.
So seeing this comparison shot of Bristol and her mother side by side, certainly adds even more evidence to support the premise that Sarah Palin faked her last pregnancy, and is NOT the biological mother of Trig Paxson Van Palin.
Anybody care to disagree? And if so, please elaborate on your reasoning, because I am DYING to hear what you have left in your arsenal that could be used to defend this woman's version of events.
Update: Since so many people are asking for it, here is the picture of an obviously pregnant Sarah Palin during either her first or second pregnancy.
There is no date on this picture so there is no telling how far along Palin is, but I would venture to guess she is in her eighth or ninth month of pregnancy.
However she certainly did not get that big in just a handful of weeks like she claims she did in her last "pregnancy." And her belly in this photo looks VERY similar to the one that Bristol is sporting in the composite up above.
Don'tcha think?
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