Monday, May 30, 2011

Greta Van Susteren on Sarah Palin: " She is not obliged to tell me or my crew where she is going."

Apparently Snowdrift Snooki is refusing to tell even BFF Greta what her plans are for the future, but Greta did make an interesting point about why Palin simply does not give interviews to anybody other than Fox News.

On her blog Gretawire Van Susteren interviews herself on all things Palin:

Is she giving a press conference today? or giving another interview?

I don’t think so. She can’t. She works for Fox, and just as with any employee or someone on contract with another network, she is contractually obliged NOT to speak to others. For instance, when I was in Haiti, I could not interview CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta or when I want to talk politics, I can’t interview CNN’s Donna Brazile. They work for another network. As far as I know, her contract is like every other media contract and that means it would be a breach of contract to speak to other media outlets. ** She is in an unusual situation in that we in the media have made her into a media topic by virtue of us always talking about her. She, of course, contributes to that intense interest by painting a bus and taking a tour and taking a tour to historic sites.

Where is her bus tour going ?

You got me. My producer who talked to someone who works with her in order to set up the interview told me last night that he would not tell her. We were told to check their website for any information they are releasing. He said they don’t want the media following them and that includes us. Well…with the intense interest in her by everyone (almost everyone) in the media, that is, I suspect, going to happen. The media will probably be in hot pursuit. I do know where she is this morning since I am meeting up with the bus with our crew. She is not obliged to tell me or my crew where she is going. I guess that is like my contract – I am not obliged to tell Fox where I vacation.

Van Sustern's point about Palin NOT being able to give interviews to any other news organization besides Fox is an interesting one, in that it is essentially the perfect excuse for her not to give access to CNN, or ABC, or NBC, while simply using her Fox contract as a shield against accusations of inaccessibility or unpreparedness.

In fact that might be another reason why she has not yet quit that job. If she were no longer working for Fox, and still wanted to tease the low hanging fruit that she might start a campaign, she would have a much harder time avoiding media demands that she make a decision about that one way or the other.

As it is by only giving Fox access to her, she can, in some ways, control the questions and keep herself from being embarrassed. Well, any more than usual that is.

It is still my firm belief that she will NOT actually run a true campaign, but she is definitely going to play the tease, and get as much attention and money as possible using what I now call the "Strip Club" approach to politics.

You see Palin will gladly work that pole, while undulating for the masses to keep their eyes glued on her for the possibility she might actually reveal something to satisfy their lust.

Yet all she will provide is some partisan tongue action which will thrill her pasty white, never been touched by a woman base, while disgusting the majority of America.

And when that fails to sufficiently titillate her audience she will attempt to draw attention to her few remaining assets, in the hopes they will be distracted from her less than satisfying performance.

Often she may need to use extraordinary means to accentuate these asssets, in order to give them the appearance of being far more impressive than what nature provided.

And when her bag of tricks has been depleted she will then have to drag up onto the stage another surgically enhanced performer to draw the attention away from her own withered attributes while still presenting her metaphoric g-string for those last few wrinkled dollar bills.

I think it should be obvious that Palin wants to keep this tease going as long as humanly possible, because when the last song is played, and her supporters shuffle out of the darkened club and back to their real lives, Sarah Palin will be nothing but a middle aged grandmother, dreaming of the glory days when she was the political fantasy of thousands of Republicans across the country.

And THAT does not paint a pretty picture for the future of this most divisive of political personalities.  Not a pretty picture at all.

Perhaps the best thing for any of those promoting Sarah Palin's possible candidacy to keep in mind, is the disappointing lesson that many men learn while sitting in a darkened room watching the glistening form of an exotic creature they have convinced themselves is dancing just for them, no matter what is promised, "There is NO sex in the champagne room!"

And there is NO chance that Sarah Palin will ever be President of the United States.

(Thank God!)

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