Saturday, May 28, 2011

Just another example of how Sarah Palin's ridiculous birth story hurts working mothers. Even those working for Fox News.

Currently Megyn Kelly, another of Fox's blond bimbo-ish talk show hosts, is on maternity leave.

You would imagine that those who espouse the "conservative family values" point of view would find that admirable.  But apparently you would be wrong.

Here is Fox News contributor Mike Gallagher and Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace acting like neanderthals on the subject.

Yeah, how proud am I of MY gender right about now?

Thankfully I am a REAL pro-family progressive, and not one of these knuckle draggers who only give lip service to the idea of sacrificing for their families.

However leave it up to the brilliant Sarah Jones, of Politicususa, to quickly recognize just who it is that reinforces this type of antiquated thinking from conservative males:

A side note while I point out just one more reason women have problems with women like “conservative” Sarah Palin; Palin told the media that she gave a speech after going into labor (or breaking water) and then flew home ten hours before driving another two to her preferred hospital. Three days later, she arrived at work with her new baby and men all over the country said, “Atta gal!”

They praise her now as the “ideal wife”, as if she had no help with her child, as if taking a 3 day old infant with health problems to work is a viable idea, as if motherhood weren’t really, actually, very time consuming and physically draining. All of this leaves women like Megyn Kelly even more vulnerable to criticism for taking some time off before and after giving birth. This is “Mama Grizzly” feminism: Selling the unrealistic notion that women can and should do it all at the same time, no less, and look great while they’re doing it.

So you see it is not JUST that the pregnancy hoax gave Sarah Palin pro-life credibility that she did not deserve, and put her on the short list of possible John McCain VP candidates, it ALSO reinforces a negative stereotype that working women use their children as an excuse to get out of work whereas men do not.

(And we all know that if MEN had to give birth, they would demand SIX months off from work, as well as a trophy for their accomplishment, and probably a holiday named after them just to top it off.)

In truth Sarah Palin has done more to set back the Women's Movement in this country, than Hooters, Baywatch, and Hustler magazine combined.

And I would also like to point out that is REAL women like Sarah Jones and Laura Novak, female journalists who are willing to address the Palin faked pregnancy head on, that should make feminists and working women proud of their gender.  NOT the phony, hypocrisy ridden, Sarah Palin.

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