Tuesday, May 24, 2011

This is Palin's plan for fighting back against the truth. A two hour movie filled with Palin mythology and misinformation. Update!

Courtesy of Real Clear Politics:

Shortly after Republicans swept last November to a historic victory in which Sarah Palin was credited with playing a central role, the former Alaska governor pulled aside her close aide, Rebecca Mansour, to discuss a hush-hush assignment: Reach out to conservative filmmaker Stephen K. Bannon with a request. Ask him if he would make a series of videos extolling Palin's governorship and laying to rest lingering questions about her controversial decision to resign from office with a year-and-a-half left in her first term. It was this abdication, Palin knew, that had made her damaged goods in the eyes of some Republicans who once were eager to get behind her potential 2012 presidential campaign.

The response was more positive than Palin could have hoped for. He'd make a feature-length movie, Bannon told Mansour, and he insisted upon taking complete control and financing it himself -- to the tune of $1 million.

The fruits of that initial conversation are now complete. The result is a two-hour-long, sweeping epic, a rough cut of which Bannon screened privately for Sarah and Todd Palin last Wednesday in Arizona, where Alaska's most famous couple has been rumored to have purchased a new home. When it premieres in Iowa next month, the film is poised to serve as a galvanizing prelude to Palin's prospective presidential campaign -- an unconventional reintroduction to the nation that she and her political team have spent months eagerly anticipating, even as Beltway Republicans have largely concluded that she won't run

Obviously this is a movie, much like Palin's books, that will really ONLY play to those people who already worship Sarah Palin. 

I seriously doubt it will create any new converts. Not this late in the game.

However it completely puts to rest ANY question of whether she is running or not.  She most definitely is!

Perhaps we could get Frank Bailey to watch the movie and review it for us. He could easily see through the bullshit and tell all of us what was REALLY happening behind the scenes. Now THAT would be a great post!

Update: Is anybody really going to buy this?

Bannon dramatizes the theme of Palin's persecution at the hands of her enemies in the media and both political parties, a notion the former governor has long embraced. Images of lions killing a zebra and a dead medieval soldier with an arrow sticking in his back dramatize the ethics complaints filed by obscure Alaskan citizens, which Palin has cited as the primary reason for her sudden resignation in July of 2009.

Palin is the victim of her own stupidity, and arrogance, and no paltry one million dollar film is going to be able to change the fact that more and more people are learning that reality every single day.

And by the way, this is not something that is widely known, but there is ANOTHER movie being made about Palin (No not Game Change) that will be much more truthful, and much less helpful to the Grizzled Mama's political aspirations.  It is also worth noting that the film certainly cost more to make than a measly one millions dollars! (I think porn costs more than that to film these days. Though come to think of it, this might very well be considered the soft core version of Nailin Paylin.)

That's right, the forces of truth and justice are capable of creating both books AND movies

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