Monday, June 27, 2011

Bristol Palin on GMA: "My virginity was stolen!"

The idea that EITHER Bristol or her mother have a "really tough skin" is laugh out loud funny.

At least she backed off from accusing Levi of "raping" her. By the way she was NOT on birth control, and she and Levi not only planned to get pregnant, they had baby names picked out, and were purchasing items they would need when the baby arrived.

When Bristol says that Levi does not spend as much time with Tripp as "he is entitled to" that is exactly right. 

But what she does NOT say is that he calls all of the time and is given one excuse after another as to why he can't spend time with his son.  And no I have NO idea why Levi does not take Bristol back to court, I wish I did.

Apparently he has been convinced by his lawyer that he does not have any control over this, which is not accurate.

Bristol is clearly still parroting the Palin family tower of lies, which she has to do in order to stay in her mother's good graces. And all of this talk about being a "close family" and that they were "thrown under the campaign bus" by the McCain people is just Sarah using her daughter to attack people she is too cowardly to attack on her own.  Hiding behind her children is obviously what Sarah believes makes her a "good mother."

Bristol lies just as easily, and as often as her mother, as evidenced by her defamatory attacks on Levi, her continued declaration that her obvious chin implant was the result of "corrective jaw surgery," and her pimping of the family mythology.

(If the video does not play for you then you can click here.)

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