Thursday, June 30, 2011

Palin book signing designated EPIC FAIL, as venue empties out half hour early. Update!

Photo courtesy of MPR News
Courtesy of City Pages:

The rules set up by Mall of America officials for Sarah and Bristol Palin's book signing yesterday seemed to have been written in anticipation of an army of fans.

"'Camping out' is not allowed," the rules read. "Beginning at 5 a.m., guests will be allowed to line up."

But there was no teeming crowd of rabid Palinites at 5 a.m. And less than a half hour into the appearance of Bristol, Sarah, and Todd Palin, the crowd had dwindled to a trickle of latecomers.

Perhaps sensing that MOA's rotunda would not necessarily be mobbed by rabid Dancing with the Stars fans, Sarah Palin decided to tag along as well, revisiting the site where she was nearly tomatoed and signed a copy of our Michele Bachmann cover story "Going Crazy." 

Maybe she thought she had some star power. And Wednesday's rules stipulated that no one got Sarah Palin's autograph unless they bought Bristol's book.

Savvy. But by the time the Palins took the stage, one estimate put the number of autograph seekers at about 300 people, all lined up to be wanded and watched over by a phalanx of Bloominton cops before getting to the Palins' table.

At the end of the event, the MOA estimated that about 700 books had been signed. Perhaps the Palins simply sign books at a lightning pace, but the rotunda was deserted at least a half hour early.

This is usually where I add something snarky, but really what more is there to say?  Except perhaps, LOL!

Update: Here is video footage of the Palins premature departure from the event.

Who pays for all of that security? You can bet your ass Sister Sarah is not paying for it!

And did you notice they almost forgot the family prop that Bristol relies on to make her money?  Now that is just bad business sense!

(Video courtesy of the Star Tribune)

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