Thursday, June 23, 2011

Let us take a break from the negative, and reflect on the positive impact our First Family is having on the rest of the world.

As reported by Reuters:

First Lady Michelle Obama urged young Africans Wednesday to fight for women's rights and battle the stigma of AIDS, using her husband's "yes, we can" campaign slogan to motivate youth across the continent.

Obama is on her second solo trip abroad as first lady to promote issues such as education, health and wellness.

But her speech to a group of young women and men at Regina Mundi Church, which played a role in South Africa's anti-apartheid movement, touched on much harder topics: race, discrimination, democracy and development.

Obama, who is traveling with her mother and two daughters, cited the leaders of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa and the civil rights movement in the United States as examples for the younger generation to follow.

"It is because of them that we are able to gather here today...It is because of them that I stand before you as First Lady of the United States of America," she said to applause.

Often I am even MORE impressed with our FLOTUS than I am with her husband.  Which is not to say that I am not impressed by President Obama, because I most certainly am impressed by much of what he has accomplished so far in his Presidency.

There is still so much yet to be done, but I have every confidence in his ability to do it.

(By the way you can see video of Michele Obama's speech in Johannesburg, as well as some truly amazing photographs, by visiting The Obama Diary.)

But here is one I simply could not resist posting myself.

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