Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Even after years, and years of brain washing at the Palin compound Bristol accidentally breaks the rules by telling the truth, and Sarah tries to distract attention from it by claiming that celebrities are seeking the death of her children. WTF?

I LOVE that this is on Fox News.

Look at Palin's face when she learns that Bristol let the cat out of the bag and told the media that she had "definitely" made her decision about running in 2012 (At the 2:06 mark). You can see her smile tighten up and her face start to get that pissed off look that she tries so hard to hide from the "Lamestream media."  (By the way if you go back to earlier in the video you can see Palin completely ignoring RAM and acting like she has simply ceased to exist.)

Bristol may have really fucked up her mother's plans with that statement of hers.

Palin has extended her political prick tease out much longer than virtually ANY other potential candidate could have managed, it, but if her supporters believe that she has already made her decision and simply does not deem them important enough to share that information, she might see the fastest exodus of support since John Edward's girlfriend gave birth to his love child while his wife was losing her battle with cancer.

So what is a Grizzled Mama to do when somebody pulls back the royal curtain and let's the peons see that the Queen is bull of Moose poop?

The same thing that Sarah Palin ALWAYS does, she throws out the only ace she owns, the "victim card."

After the movie, as throngs of supporters and reporters clamored for attention, THR asked her: "In the first 10 minutes where all the celebrities are trashing you, how do you respond to something like that?" Palin said she hadn't seen or heard much of the TV and radio footage before seeing it in the movie, which bleeped some of the dirtier language, though it was easy to determine what the entertainers were saying, including lots of profane references to the female anatomy.

"This is the first that I've seen much of that. It kind of takes you back," she told THR. "It makes you want to reach out to some of these folks and say, What's your problem? And what was the problem? And what is the problem?

"What would make a celebrity, like you saw on screen, so hate someone that they'd seek their destruction, their death, the death of their children? What would make someone be so full of hate and, I guess, a sense of being threatened that they would want to see that person destroyed?"

Only Sarah Palin would view comedians making fun of her, or saying critical things about the numerous gaffes she has made, as seeking her "destruction," or her "death," or the "death of her children!"  That is insane!

I also believe that these tactics are no longer as effective as they once were. 

Even the Palin-bots must have their limits, and from what we have seen lately, with their response to her quitting the bus tour, barely contained frustration over the the eternal tease about running, and the lackluster turnout for Bristol's book, and Palin's movie, I believe we are witnessing a tipping point.

And once THOSE rats have fled the sinking ship, it will not make one bit of difference how many pro-Palin movies she has commissioned, the spotlight on her will quickly dim until it simply blinks off one day.

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