Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell drives a stake through the heart of the idea that Sarah Palin has ANY intention of launching a Presidential campaign for 2012.

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So essentially Lawrence O'Donnell, and Jonathon Capehart, are simply pointing out what most of the media are not inclined to point out. Which is that Sarah Palin is no longer a viable politician, but instead simply a celebrity along the lines of a Lindsay Lohan. Only without the cocaine abuse and wasted talent.

And the reasons WHY the other "journalists" are loath to point this out, is because so long as they keep the possibility of a Palin Presidential run alive they can get more clicks on their websites, sell more subscriptions to their magazine, and attract more viewers to their cable "news" shows.

Which makes it even more interesting that Fox News so quickly jumped on this story, and reported it without ever even contacting Palin first (Since they are in fact the only news outlet with the capability to do so), to get her side of the story.

It kind of makes one wonder if the relationship between Fox News and Sarah Palin has not subtly changed somehow.

Or perhaps NOT so subtly changed.

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