Thursday, June 23, 2011

Finally! Levi's attorney answers charges of rape made in Bristol Palin's book against his client.

Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch:

Johnston attorney Rex Butler disagreed with the part of the story that has Bristol so drunk she didn't know what was happening.

"That's obviously not true,'' he said.

Bristol's book clearly paints her as being "unaware that a sexual act'' was being committed on the night she lost her virginity.

As she tells the story, the last thing she remembers is sitting by a campfire laughing with friends after consuming a lot of wine coolers. The next thing she remembers is waking up in a tent with Levi's empty sleeping bag next to hers and the sound of friends "outside the tent laughing,'' according to the book. She then texts a female friend, who comes to Bristol's tent to inform her she is no longer a virgin.

Butler, one of Alaska's better known criminal attorneys, admitted that if true the story sounds a lot like rape, but he said the story isn't true. And he seemed a little perplexed that Bristol, who had a child with Johnston, would be telling it.

"That's not a good thing for her son to digest on down the road,'' Butler said.

"I don't think anyone would buy that,'' Butler said. The legal bar there is a high one. To prove Bristol's statement malicious, Butler would have to demonstrate she is telling a story she knows to be false. All Bristol would need to demonstrate is that she is telling a story that is true to the best of her recollection.

On the other, if her story is documentable -- if there are witnesses who can support the story as her book indicates -- Johnston could find himself the subject of a rape investigation.

Let me get this straight.  Levi's attorney for these last two years is PERPLEXED that Bristol would lie about Levi?  Has he been unconscious during most of this time?

I KNOW he has sat across from her during depositions.  Didn't he pick up on the fact that there was little she would NOT do to hurt Levi and his family when her attorney was trying to make Merecede cry and telling her to never speak to me again or risk never seeing her nephew again?

Do you know what perplexes me?  Why in the hell it took three days for Levi's legal counsel to finally put out a statement to defend his client against these allegations? He should have sent out a message on DAY ONE telling the media that this was absolute bullshit and threatening legal action against both her and her publisher.

Levi for God's sake, get yourself a REAL attorney who knows what in the hell he is doing, and start fighting back before this family leaves your bleached bones in the middle of a tundra somewhere!

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