Courtesy of the New York Post:
Bristol Palin was so drunk on wine coolers the night she first slept with boyfriend Levi Johnston that she couldn’t recall losing her virginity at the tender age of 15 — and he was nowhere to be found the hazy morning after to refresh her memory.
"Levi wasn’t even there to help me process — or even confirm my greatly feared suspicions," she writes in a new revenge tome disguised as a memoir. "Instead of waking up in his arms, I awakened in a cold tent alone."
Despite the guilt she felt after that night she spent camping with her friends and boyfriend in the woods of Point MacKenzie 2006 she continued to have sex with the 16-year-old hockey-playing hunk. They used condoms, she claims, but she still got pregnant.
This sounds more like the version of their relationship that I have heard, except for the using condoms part, I have no idea where the idea about her taking the pill came from.
"I wasn’t drunk, it wasn’t an accident, and I did it on purpose," she writes about the subsequent sleepovers.
Yes she did it on purpose and was actively TRYING to get pregnant, a fact that she conveniently leaves out.
One of the first night back from the hospital, Palin found a text message in Johnston’s phone from his sister. It said, "She had fun and wants to hook up with you again."
I am not positive about this part of the story yet, but "hooking up" does not always mean to have sex with somebody. I know that Bristol was VERY jealous and may have taken it the wrong way.
He cheated on her openly, she claims in the book "Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far" (William Morrow) out Tuesday. Even coming home with hickeys on his neck from drunken, late-night encounters, she writes.
They were on and off again for the length of their baby’s toddler years. While Palin was raising Tripp, Johnston was posing for GQ and Playgirl using their own son as currency.
Does she mean to "use him as currency" like THIS?
Or this?
Or this?
And isn't Tripp featured prominently in her upcoming reality show as well?
Before her "Dancing with the Stars" debut, Bristol reunited with Johnston in July 2010, posing on the cover of US Weekly announcing their plans for marriage. As a result, her parents, who she said always disliked Johnston, cut her out of the reality TV show "Sarah Palin’s Alaska."
You know THIS part might be true, I did hear something similar. However she and Sarah clearly made up as Bristol WAS on the show more than a few times. And like all of the kids, she was paid for her contribution as well. (The Palins don't do ANYTHING without monetary compensation.)
That evening Johnston arrived with news.
"I might’ve gotten someone pregnant," he said.
The baby was due in two weeks. Later, she learned that Johnston named the baby Bentley, a name she had first wanted to name Tripp. This was the final straw, she writes.
I highly doubt that Levi has another child out there with anybody else, as Mercede would be spending ALL of her time with that baby. Besides this whole thing was based on some bad reporting by the National Enquirer about Levi and Lanesia Garcia, and Sadie cleared all of it up way back in July of 2010.
By the way for those who are still clinging to the belief that Bristol and her mother are not getting along, take a gander at this portion.
For all the vitriol against her ex, Bristol goes soft on her mother, who is portrayed as a supportive and down-to-earth "cool" mom who stood by her even when her bad-boy babydaddy was harming the family’s image. That the former Alaska governor signed on to be Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s running mate without consulting her pregnant teenage daughter first is barely mentioned.
This entire book deal was put together by Sarah's lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, and trust me there was NEVER any chance that Bristol was going to reveal any truth, or expose any of her mother's lies.
BTW I have finally made contact with Mercede and she is getting ready to address the lies concerning her brother that have been revealed so far. I don't know when they will be ready, as it takes her a long time to write her thoughts down, but I will provide a link as soon as it is up on her blog. So stay tuned.
Update: As somebody noted on another thread the Daily Beast interview with Bristol's ex Ben Barber has been removed. However you can still find a portion of it here.
It looks like Shushannah Walshe received her orders to clean up some of Bristol's mess from the Grizzled Mama, and like a good little Palin-bot she jumped when told how high.
Update 2: My friend Dennis found a working link to the Daily Beast story on the Wayback Machine.
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